05 Mar 2020 ~ 12 Mar 2020
ODA recipient countries
Invitation program for Young Leaders of FEALAC
The purpose of the program is to deepen mutual understanding among future leaders of FEALAC member states and to expand common ground on important issues with a view to addressing shared challenges.
05 Feb 2021 ~ 19 Feb 2021
ODA recipient countries
Invitation program for Young Leaders of FEALAC
The purpose of the program is to deepen mutual understanding among future leaders of FEALAC member states and to expand common ground on important issues with a view to addressing shared challenges.
10 Dec 2020 ~ 10 Dec 2020
“Juntos!!” Japan-Latin America and Caribbean Exchange Program Alumni Event
Alumni of “Juntos!!” program who participated in 2018 and 2019 gathered online and held alumni event to discuss to promote good relations between Japan and LAC countries and to deepen mutual understanding.
09 Dec 2019 ~ 16 Dec 2019
”Juntos!!”Japan-Latin America and the Caribbean Exchange Program for the group of South America
Japan launched "Juntos!!" program to promote people-to-people exchanges between Japan and LAC countries and to encourage understandings of vaious aspects of Japan among the paticipants. In 2019, considering the need of 5 countries of South America, MOFA organized program for learning Japan's policy against information and communication technology.
26 Jan 2020 ~ 03 Feb 2020
”Juntos!!”Japan-Latin America and the Caribbean Exchange Program for the group of Caricom
Japan launched "Juntos!!" program to promote people-to-people exchanges between Japan and LAC countries and to encourage understandings of vaious aspects of Japan among the paticipants. In 2020, MOFA organized program for promoting understanding of Japan.
27 Aug 2019 ~ 04 Sep 2019
”Juntos!!”Japan-Latin America and the Caribbean Exchange Program for the group of SICA/Cuba
Japan launched "Juntos!!" program to promote people-to-people exchanges between Japan and LAC countries and to encourage understandings of vaious aspects of Japan among the paticipants. In 2019, considering the need of SICA countires and Cuba, MOFA organized program for learning Japan's policy against climate change and disaster risk reduction.
12 Mar 2019 ~ 20 Mar 2019
”Juntos!!”Japan-Latin America and the Caribbean Exchange Program for the group of SICA/Cuba
Japan launched "Juntos!!" program to promote people-to-people exchanges between Japan and LAC countries and to encourage understandings of vaious aspects of Japan among the paticipants. In 2019, considering the need of SICA countires and Cuba, MOFA organized program for learning Japan's policy in the area of environment.
28 Jan 2019 ~ 05 Feb 2019
”Juntos!!”Japan-Latin America and the Caribbean Exchange Program for the group of South America
Japan launched "Juntos!!" program to promote people-to-people exchanges between Japan and LAC countries and to encourage understandings of vaious aspects of Japan among the paticipants. In 2019, considering the need of 6 countires of South America, MOFA organized program for learning transportation system in Japan.
20 Mar 2019 ~ 29 Mar 2019
"Juntos!!" Japan-Latin America and the Caribbean Exchange Program for the Pacific Alliance
Japan launched "Juntos!!" program to promote people-to-people exchanges between Japan and LAC countries and to encourage understandings of vaious aspects of Japan among the paticipants. In 2019, considering the need of the Pacific Alliance contries, , MOFA organized short term program for learning Japan's policy toward developping SMEs through briefing and visiting.
27 Mar 2019 ~ 31 Mar 2019
Argentina, Brazil
Seminar on the Japanese Science and Technology Policy toward Innovation
The government of Japan established Japan House Sao Paulo in April 2017 as a hub of Japan's public diplomacy in the region. Japan House seeks to foster awareness and appreciation for Japan around the world by showcasing the very best of Japanese innovation, technology, and more. The seminar was realized as a part of "SIP Caravan", which offers the information on Japan's efforts to promote tecnology and innovtion, including Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP).
01 Jan 2019 ~ 31 Dec 2019
SATREPS: Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development
SATREPS is a Japanese government program that promotes international joint research. Based on the needs of developing countries, the program aims to address global issues and lead to research outcomes of practical benefit to both local and global society.
17 Jan 2019 ~ 24 Jan 2019
ODA recipient countries
Invitation program for young leaders of FEALAC
The government of Japan started FEALAC young leader invitaion program in 2001. The purpose of this program is to deepen mutual understandings among young leaders of FEALAC member countries and to learn about certain topics which contribute addressing common challenges that we share.
ODA recipient countries
SATREPS: Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development
SATREPS is a Japanese government program that promotes international joint research. Based on the needs of developing countries, the program aims to address global issues and lead to research outcomes of practical benefit to both local and global society.
28 Mar 2018 ~ 28 Mar 2018
Sao Paulo
Seminar on the Japanese Science and Technology Policy toward Innovation in Japan House Sao Paulo
The government of Japan established Japan House Sao Paulo in April 2017 as a hub of Japan's public diplomacy in the region. Japan House seeks to foster awareness and appreciation for Japan around the world by showcasing the very best of Japanese innovation, technology, and more. The seminar was realized as a part of "SIP Caravan", which offers the information on Japan's efforts to promote tecnology and innovtion, including Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP).
12 Oct 2018 ~ 22 Oct 2018
”Juntos!!”Japan-Latin America and the Caribbean Exchange Program:Participation to World Robot Summit(WRS)
Japan launched "Juntos!!" program to promote people-to-people exchanges between Japan and LAC countries and to encourage understandings of vaious aspects of Japan among the paticipants. In 2018, considering the importance of exchanging experiences in the field of science and tecnologies, MOFA organized program for learning science and tecnology in Japan, through participating WRS.
22 Mar 2018 ~ 30 Mar 2018
"Juntos!!" Japan-Latin America and the Caribbean Exchange Program for the Pacific Alliance
Japan launched "Juntos!!" program to promote people-to-people exchanges between Japan and LAC countries and to encourage understandings of vaious aspects of Japan among the paticipants. In 2018, considering the need of the Pacific Alliance contries, which have suffered from natural disasters such as earthquake and flood, MOFA organized short term program for lerning Japanese tecnology and experience against these desasters.
01 Mar 2018 ~ 08 Mar 2018
Invitation program for young leaders of FEALAC
The government of Japan started FEALAC young leader invitaion program in 2001. The purpose of this program is to deepen mutual understandings among young leaders of FEALAC member countries and to learn about certain topics which contribute addressing common challenges that we share.
12 Mar 2018 ~ 21 Mar 2018
Sao Paulo, Havana, Mexico City
Dispatch of Specialist for Science and Tecnology
The purpose of this program is to respond to the interests about the cutting edge technology of LAC countries which are now requring the change in the industrial structure.
01 Mar 2017 ~ 01 Mar 2017
Invitation Program For Young Leaders of FEALAC
Japanese government has implemented FEALAC young leaders invitation program from 2001. The purpose of this program is to deepen mutual understandings among young leader of FEALAC member countries and to learn about certain topics which contribute addressing common challenges that we share.
01 Oct 2016 ~ 01 Oct 2016
FEALAC Award/ Participation from Japan to IEEE Latin American Robotic Competition
Japan has established FEALAC Award at the Robot Competition organized by IEEE while sending Japanese teams to the competition. Those who win the award are invited to Japan and stay for about a week in order to learn Japan’s technology and culture.
08 Oct 2016 ~ 08 Oct 2016
Recife City, Brazil
FEALAC Award 2016/Participation from Asia to Humanoid Robot Racing in IEEE Latin American Robotic Competition
In 2012, Japan proposed to organize a Robot Competition where both Latin America and East Asia participate aiming to stimulate science and technology, academic cooperation and people-to-people exchange. Government of Japan (GOJ) and IEEE decided to call for the participation from East Asian FEALAC member countries in the category of Humanoid Robot Racing and establish FEALAC Award in the same category in IEEE Latin American Robotic Competition which held in 8-12 of October, 2016 in Centro de Convenciones de Pernambuco (Recife City, Brazil) in order to stimulate students in both regions through the competition. The deadline of the registration is 15th of July and registration form and all information is in the website below. http://www.cbrobotica.org
27 Oct 2015 ~ 27 Oct 2015
Uberlandia City
FEALAC Award/ Participation from Asia to one category in IEEE Latin American Robotic Competition
In 2012, Japan proposed to organize a Robot Competition where both Latin America and Caribbean and East Asia participate aiming to stimulate science and technology, academic cooperation and people-to-people exchange. Government of Japan (GOJ) and IEEE decided to call for the participation from Asia in the Category of Humanoid Robot Racing and establish FEALAC Award in the same category in IEEE Latin American Robotic Competition which held in 27th of October to 1st of November, 2015 in Uberlandia Convention Center (Uberlandia City, Brazil) in order to stimulate students in both regions through the competition. The deadline of the registration is 30th of June and registration form and all information is in the website below. http://www.cbrobotica.org
01 Mar 2015 ~ 01 Mar 2015
Invitation Program For Young Leaders of FEALAC
Since 2001, Japan has hosted the “Invitation Program for Young Leaders of FEALAC” every year. This year, Japan will organize the 14th Invitation Program under the theme “Application of science and technology in disaster prevention and sustainable development”. This will be the Xth consecutive year this program has focused on this topic, taking into consideration the vulnerability of many FEALAC member countries to natural disasters such as hurricanes and tsunami, and the importance of sharing knowledge and experience amongst us. This program also provides a unique opportunity in which young leaders of FEALAC countries can meet in person to form new networks and engage in discussions with their peers. Government of Japan believes that this project is a truly effective way of joining the two regions.
13 Nov 2012 ~ 13 Nov 2012
FEALAC Eco-Business Promotion Conference
East Asia and Latin America, two of the most dynamic emerging regions in the world, face the common challenge of addressing environmental concerns whilst pursuing economic growth. Under these circumstances, Japan invited senior officials and representatives of the private sector representatives and local administrations from the two regions in charge of eco-business promotion ino rder to introduce Japan?셲 initiatives on the promotion of eco-business in East Asia and Latin America, as well as to share the measures taken in this field by each participating country. This meeting focused on three main fields, namely, geothermal power generation, energy conservation/transportation, and water/sanitation, and is expected to provide business opportunities to the private sector. " " This meeting is based on the commitment by the Japanese Government, ?쏷he FEALAC Regional OKADA Green Initiative?? announced at the 4th FEALAC Ministers??Meeting in Tokyo to further promote cooperation with member countries in dealing with environmental issues.
31 Oct 2012 ~ 31 Oct 2012
2012 Seminar Program for Young Government Official
The objective of the program were as follows:" -Japan can contribute to promoting cooperation amongst FEALAC member countries by providing a platform for exchange between young leaders of Asia and Latin America to learn and discuss issues of common concern in the region." -In accordance with the ??짺OG initiative??proposed by the then Japanese Foreign Minister Okada at the 4th FEALAC Foreign Ministers??Meeting held in Tokyo in 2010, Japan cooperates with FEALAC member countries in the fields of eco business and disaster risk reduction." -Furthermore, participants can acquire a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and values through hands-on experience with Japanese cultural heritages, traditional arts, etc." -Disaster risk reduction and Reconstruction from disaster" Presentation of disaster prevention and reduction measures by government officials, lectures by local government officials of the devastated areas and lectures concerning the reconstruction process, etc." -Eco business" Lectures concerning energy policy by government officials and presentations of electric vehicles by private enterprises, etc." -Japanese culture and values" Visit to UNESCO World Heritage Hiraizumi, Brewery(Japanese Sake), etc.