9th FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2019
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 09 Nov 2019
1. Opening Ceremony and Photo Session 2. First Session (1) Adoption of Agenda(2) 20th Anniversary of FEALAC, where are we and where are we going?3. Luncheon for the Heads of Delegations 4. Second Session(1) Presentation of the advances on the projects - Development of value chains for a deeper integration between Latin America and the Asia Pacific (by the ECLAC) - Reducing inequality in FEALAC Member Countries - Innovative Policymaking that leaves no one behind (by the ESCAP)(2) Adoption of Santo Domingo Declaration 5. Closing Ceremony (1) Welcoming of the next Regional Coordinators (2) Date and Venue of 10th FEALAC Meetings(3) Closing Remarks
8th FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2017
Busan, Korea, 31 Aug 2017
1. Retreat Session (1) Towards a More Dynamic FEALAC – with emphasis on New FEALAC Action Plan and FEALAC Fund (2) Closing Remarks by Co-chairs 2. Opening Ceremony and Photo Session 3. Plenary Session I (1) Endorsement of the Agenda (2) Promoting East Asia-Latin America Cooperation amid Global Challenges 4. Luncheon for the Heads of Delegations 5. Plenary Session II (3) Promoting East Asia-Latin America Cooperation amid Global Challenges (continued) (4) Adoption of the Busan Declaration 6. Closing Ceremony (1) Welcoming of the next Regional Coordinators (2) Date and Venue of 9th FEALAC FMM (3) Closing Remarks
7th FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2015
San José, Costa Rica, 21 Aug 2015
Declaration of San JoseIntroductionFEALAC on promoting Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable DevelopmentFEALAC and the Promotion of SustainableTourismPromoting Trade, Investment, Innovation and Small and Medium BusinessesFEALAC Cooperation in Culture, Youth, Gender and SportsFEALAC Promotes Science, Technology, Innovation and EducationFEALAC and Climate ChangeFEALAC 2015: Two regions, One VisionClosing
6th FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2013
Bali, Indonesia, 13 Jun 2013 ~ 14 Jun 2013
6th FEALAC Foreign Ministers Meeting (FMM VI)June 13-14, 2013 in Bali, IndonesiaOutcome Document FMM VIULUWATU Declaration- FEALAC and the Global Architecture- Promoting Connectivity of FEALAC - FEALAC and the global challenges- From Santiago to Bali and Beyond- Closing
5th FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2011
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 25 Aug 2011
5th FEALAC Foreign Ministers Meeting (FMM V) (August 25, 2011)August 24-25, 2011 in Buenos Aries, ArgentinaThe Foreign Ministers of the member countries met to adopt the Buenos Aires Declaration and also to welcome admission of Republic of Honduras and Republic of Suriname of FEALAC. And they also welcomed the decision on the establishment of FEALAC Vision Group1. Adoption of the Agenda2. Admission of New Members3. Consideration and approval of the reports of the 11th and 12th Senior Officials Meetings4. Presentation by Foreign Ministers and heads of Delegation5. Presentation by Representatives of Inter-American Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, World Bank, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 6. Adoption of the Buenos Aires Declaration (Action Plan) and other documents 7. Election of Regional Coordinators8. Any other matters
4th FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2010
Tokyo, Japan, 16 Jan 2010 ~ 17 Jan 2010
4th FEALAC Foreign Ministers Meeting (FMM IV) (January 16, 2010)January 16-17, 2010 in Tokyo, JapanThe foreign ministers of the member countries met to present their joint declaration (see below), to offer their declaration on Haiti and to decide on the sub-group of Tourism and on the bi-regional center for the development of SME. We have included all 5 documents.Agenda1. Adoption of Agenda2. Admission of New members: Mongolia3. Approval of the reports of the 9th and 10th Senior Officials Meetings4. Statements by FEALAC members I5. Retreat Style Session- Environment and Sustainable Development- Financial and Economic Crisis/Social Inclusion6. Statements by FEALAC members II7. Adoption of the Tokyo Declaration and other documents8. Other matters
3rd FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2007
Brasilia, Brazil, 22 Aug 2007 ~ 23 Aug 2007
3rd Foreign Ministers´ Meeting (FMM-III) was held in Brasília, on the 22nd and 23rd of August, 2007. The Brasília Declaration, which summarized the agreement reached by the Ministers, was adopted during the meeting.The III Foreign Ministers´ Meeting gave priority to actions and initiatives that focus on the enhancement of friendly relations and mutual understanding between East Asia and Latin America; that promote cooperation in trade and investment; and that emphasize the importance of the international democratico rder, based on the principles of respect for national sovereignty and for human rights, the promotion of sustainable development and the strengthening and perfectioning of multilateralism.Foreign Ministers adopted 1) Statement on the Hostage Situation in Afghanistan and 2) Statement on the Solidarity with the People of Peru. During FMM-III, the Dominican Republic was officially admited as the 33rd member of FEALAC.A Business Meeting and an Academic Seminar were held alongside FMM-III. These side events brought together the business community and academic research institutions of the two regions, and also stimulated the participation of the media and NGOs./END/
2nd FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2004
Manila, Philippines, 30 Jan 2004 ~ 31 Jan 2004
2nd FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM II)January 30-31, 2004 in Manila, PhilippinesManila Plan of Action to Further Enhance Cooperation between East Asia and Latin America2nd FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM II)January 30-31, 2004 in Manila, PhilippinesManila Plan of Action to Further Enhance Cooperation between East Asia and Latin AmericaReport of the Co-Chairs of the FMM2 Manila, 30-31 Jan. 2004CO-CHAIRS’ STATEMENT ON THE RESULTS OF THE SECOND FOREIGN MINISTERS’ MEETING OF THE FORUM FOR EAST ASIA-LATIN AMERICA COOPERATION The Second Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation resulted in several key outputs. We admitted two new members, Nicaragua and Guatemala. This makes FEALAC the largest inter- regional grouping with 32 members, linking South East Asia, East Asia, Oceania, Central and South America, and the Caribbean.
1st FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2001
Santiago, Chile, 29 Mar 2001 ~ 30 Mar 2001
1st Ministerial Meeting of the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation Santiago, Chile, 29-30 March 20011. The inaugural Ministerial Meeting of the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation was held in Santiago, Chile, on 29 and 30 March 2001. The Meeting was co-chaired by Mrs. Maria Soledad Alvear Valenzuela, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chile and Professor S Jayakumar, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore. 2. The Meeting was attended by the Foreign Ministers and heads of delegations of Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, New Zealand, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Uruguay, Venezuela and Viet Nam.