6th Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable Development Working Group Meeting 2019
SPCSDCC Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 07 Nov 2019
5th Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable Development Working Group Meeting 2018
SPCSDCC Vientiane, Lao PDR, 20 Nov 2018
Agenda The 5th Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable Development Working Group Meeting November 20, 2018 in Vientiane, Lao PDR1. Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs (China and Costa Rica)2. Adoption of the Agenda3. Presentation & Feedback on the national and regional projects carried since the 4th SPCSD WG Meeting A. National Projects B. Regional Projects4. Plans and proposals for new projects A. National Projects B. Regional Projects5. Discussion on the future Co-Chairs 6. Drafting and approval of the SPCSD WG report 7. Other Matters
4th Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable Development Working Group Meeting 2017
SPCSDCC Busan, Korea, 29 Aug 2017
The 4th Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable Development Working Group Meeting August 29, 2017 in Busan, Korea Agenda1. Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs (China and Costa Rica)2. Adoption of the Agenda3. Presentation & Feedback on the national and regional projects carried since the 3rd SPCSD WG Meeting A. National Projects B. Regional Projects4. Plans and proposals for new projects A. National Projects B. Regional Projects5. Discussion on the future Co-Chairs 6. Drafting and approval of the SPCSD WG report 7. Other Matters
3rd Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable Development Working Group Meeting 2016
SPCSDCC Guatemala City, Guatemala, 25 Aug 2016
2nd Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable Development Working Group Meeting 2015
SPCSDCC San Jose, Costa Rica, 19 Aug 2015
2nd Socio-Political Cooperation, Sustainable Development WG Meeting August 19, 2015 in San Jose, Costa RicaAgenda1. Welcoming and opening remarks by the co-chairs Ecuador and China2. Adoption of the Agenda3. Regional and National Projects carried out in the period of 2014- 2015 & Plans and proposals for new/ ongoing projects4. Presentation of any other new projects5. Discussions of the Future Co-chair6. Conclusion and review of the work and report7. Any other matters
1st Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable Development Working Group Meeting 2014
SPCSDCC Bangkok, Thailand, 21 Aug 2014
The 1st Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable Development Working Group Meeting Aug. 21, 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand Agenda 1. Welcome and opening comments by China and Ecuador2. Adoption of the Agenda 3. Consideration of any reports on Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable Development Working Group (SPCSDWG) since June, 2013 4. Presentation of SPCSDWG members new proposals 5. Drafting and approval of SPCSDWG report 6. Any Other matters