24 Aug 2014 ~ 24 Aug 2014
The establishment of a FEALAC Network of representative Entities and Institution designated by each FEALAC member country in order to promote mutual knowledge and promote and facilitate cultural exchanges between the societies that live in the regions that make up FEALAC.
01 Jan 2007 ~ 31 Dec 2017
Latin America and East Asia Cooperative Program on the Evaluation, Monitoring and Modeling of El Niño- Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and its Impacts in the Marine Ecosystem
“El Niño” and “La Niña” events are extreme phases of the interannual cycle “El Niño/Southern Oscillation” (ENSO), and their impacts in several locations along the world vary in intensity and severity, which is determined not only by the magnitude of the event and the geographic location, but also by the vulnerability degree of the affected society. At the same time, vulnerability is related to the level of information available before and during the event itself, and also to the organization and coordination levels among the institutions concerning prevention and mitigation. In this regard, the “Latin America and East Asia Cooperative Program on the Evaluation, Monitoring and Modeling of El Niño- Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and its Impacts in the Marine Ecosystem” aims to implement an information exchange network to establish a cooperation mechanism for the evaluation, monitoring and modeling of ENSO impacts over the Latin American and East Asian ecosystems and to provide reliable information for decision making and forecasting the magnitude of an event on a solid scientific basis.
01 Aug 2014 ~ 01 Aug 2014
FEALAC Network of Cultural Institutions
- To identify cooperation and cultural exchange as an essential element for both the knowledge of the people and for the development of other areas of relations between FEALAC member countries and their peoples. - To encourage the exchange of experiences and cooperation in the field of cultural promotion and the protection of cultural heritages. - To support the dissemination of major cultural expressions of each FEALAC member country by means of activities and creative initiatives - To Develop and strengthen cultural links between cultural promoters and the citizens of FEALAC member countries - To explore new areas for cultural cooperation that are more specialized while developing and deepening activities of the Network.
FEALAC Network of Institutions Engaged in Research, Prevention & Control of Tropical & Emerging Disease
- To Increase mutual knowledge, exchange experience and extend cooperation among FEALAC member countries, by incorporating civil society agents into the Forum activities. - To exchange information on methods for diagnosis, treatment and control of tropical and emerging diseases. - To disseminate – within each country positive experiences acquired by other FEALAC member countries in the study, prevention and control of tropical and emerging diseases. - To provide a global picture of tropical and emerging diseases. - To define cooperation modalities for the surveillance of epidemic outbreaks of tropical or emerging diseases occurring within the FEALAC region.
01 Aug 2014 ~ 01 Aug 2014
FEALAC Network on Good Practices in Public Management
- To increase mutual knowledge, through the exchange of experiences and cooperation among the member countries of the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC), by incorporating relevant civil society agents in the Forum activities. - To promote inter-institutional cooperation so as to identify and voluntarily share good practices, benefiting the citizens of FEALAC member countries. - To identify and disseminate methods to assess and ascertain good practices and positive experiences in Public Management implemented in FEALAC countries. - To benefit all participating private and public institutions, by promoting an improvement in the services provided to their citizens
El Nino Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and its Socia
the Institute of the Sea of Peru (IMARPE) presented in the context of the Second Meeting of the Working Group on Education, Science and Technology Cooperation Forum Latin America - East Asia (FEALAC) in August 2003 the referred project." " The main activities were contemplated in the project are:" • Promote the exchange of scientific information about ENSO events for researchers from both regionsand obtain optimum use of their impacts." • Improve dissemination through web reports weather forecasts and warnings, to have a joint participation in the campaigns of prevention and mitigation of the impact of ENSO events." • Establish a directory of institutions and researchers from both regions dedicated to the research and monitoring of the subject." " This project was implemented from 2007, for which the IMARPE created a website called www.ensonetwork.org " Through this website, it has been conducting a local and international dissemination of the importance of El Niño and La Niña." " www.ensonetwork.org
Carlos Arturo Castilla Rivero
Counsellor - Deputy Director of Specialized Forums