FEALAC Cyber Secretariat Youth Forum


Country :
Date :
Dec. 04, 2013
Venue :
Expiration Date :
Dec. 04, 2013
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Workshops / Seminars
Project Purpose & Description To strengthen cooperation between East Asia-Latin America by establishing a network of future leaders, the FEALAC Cyber Secretariat invited university students from FEALAC member countries to discuss ways to increase awareness of FEALAC. A total of 16 member countries participated: Peru, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Australia, Philippines.
Activity Description & Outcome The event took place over 3 days. On the first day, participantso rganized themselves into groups ino rder to make a video on a subject matter of common concern with member countries. On the second day, participants delivered their own presentations and each group briefly introduced their videos. There was a ceremony to award first, second and third prizes for the video contest. On the last day, participants had the chance to tour Seoul.
Participants Member Countries See below
Organizations MOFA, FEALAC Cyber Secretariat
Project Contact Point Name Kim Daehwan
Position 2nd Secretary
Department Latin America & Caribbean Cooperation Division
E-mail dankim08@mofa.go.kr
Telephone 82-2-2100-8090
Fax 82-2-2100-8535