Network of scientific-technological convergence


Country :
Date :
Jan. 16, 2013
Venue :
Expiration Date :
Jan. 16, 2013
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Consultation by Specialists
Project Purpose & Description This project is based taking into account the commitment that Colombia made in Buenos Aires about presenting a cooperative initiative on Science and Technology, and also considering that the Colombian government is part of the Forum for East Asia – Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC). "
Colciencias has identified one of the most important problems in science and technology between both regions: the insufficient rapprochement of groups and research centers of the two regions. However, FEALAC, as an international platform of political dialogue and cooperation aimed at the strengthening of the Latin America-Asia relations could be the answer to solve this problem. "
One indicator of this problem is the limited number of collaborative activities which causes the loss of opportunities to make RD joint actions and projects and institutional strengthening. The main causes of the problem are: mutual unawareness of science and technology capacities in a great range of countries, weak promotion of networks of joint work, and different priorities for scientific cooperation. "
Among the mechanisms that could be used to solve this problem, we could find: support for the execution of innovation and technological development programs and projects through the use of instruments such as: 1) nonrefundable public contributions to support university-industry programso r projects (cofoundingo r grants) 2) support for researchers mobility 3) enrollment of researchers in industries. Support the execution strategic and applied research programs and projects through mechanisms such as: nonrefundable public contributions for the execution of projects by universities and research centers (contingent recovery), and 2) scholarships for doctoral studies in countries of the Network."
This proposal focuses on contributing to eliminate one of the main problems through the creation and operation of a thematic network in the field of scientific-technological convergence. This is defined as the convergence of life sciences, physics and engineering. (MIT, 2011), the need to solve problems related to food security, energy, environment and health through an interdisciplinary work. (A new biology for the 21st century, 2010)"
A thematic network is an association of research groups from public and private institutions of the FEALAC country members, which its scientific and innovation activities have a common interest. Its main goal is the exchange of knowledge and experiences between research groups and the promotion of cooperation as a work tool."
Initially, this thematic network will have the participation ofo rganizations, research groups and researchers from at least three FEALAC countries: Brasil, Korea and Colombia. This network will have a Coordinator who will perform the following job functions: - Assure the execution of the programs of the network – support the management and execution of budget assigned to projects and activities of the network. – To propose to the Co-presidencies of the S&T Group, the inclusion of new groups and institutions. – to make annual monitoring reports. – to make efficient actions to disseminate and implement shared knowledge in the Network."
Colombia identified the following as areas of common interest: : nanotechnology, biotechnology, information & communications technology (networks of advanced technology and WIFI implementation of technology using unused TV signals) biorefineries development of advanced materials,- ) recycling of industrial waste, reduction and capture of carbon dioxide, -)education of scientific culture in elementary education."
This project corresponds to the first stage of work of the Network (two years). The second stage includes the execution of projects and other activities aimed at reaching a higher level of collaboration betweeno rganizations of participant countries (three years). Through an active participation of its members, The Colombian Government believes that FEALAC is a fundamental scenario to promote and strengthen the bi-regional links. It is important to take advantage of FEALAC because is the official forum with greater coverage in Latin America and East Asia. "
Activity Description & Outcome In Colombia, institutions such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Presidential Agency of International Cooperation (APC Colombia), COLCIENCIAS, and RENATA (Academic National Network of Advanced Technology), and research and technological development centers participate. RENATA is an advanced technology network which communicates, connects and promotes collaboration between academic / scientific institutions of Colombia and top international academic networks and research centers. RENATA´s great added value is its power of communication and collaboration among its members. RENATA will contribute technological infrastructure to facilitate activities of the Network ino rder to make possible the interaction ofo rganizations and people of the Network through the use of services like: connectivity, exchange of information, and collaborative work, videoconferences, streaming, virtual offices, training and management of collaborative projects, information, dissemination and promotion."
The monitoring of the execution of the project will be done by the Presidential Agency of International Cooperation and Colciencias, and by its counterparts it the participant countries. The direction of the program will be done by the countries ´co-presidencies of the S&T Group. The Network will have a scientific coordinator elected by the leaders of groups and research centers of participants. "
Participants Member Countries All interested countries are encouraged
Organizations Science,Technology and Innovation Institutions
Project Contact Point Name Esteban Restrepo
Position Advisor
Department Asia Pacific Bureau - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Telephone 571 3814000 ext. 1598
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