3rd FEALAC Expert Meeting on Current Issues - E-learning


Country :
Date :
Sep. 20, 2011
Venue :
Expiration Date :
Sep. 20, 2011
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Workshops / Seminars
Project Purpose & Description Due to the success of the 2nd FEALAC Expert Meeting on Current Issues on e-Learningo rganized in 2010 and to the request of member countries, the Republic of Korea decided to repeat the National Project in 2011 ino rder to allow FEALAC member countries who could not attend the event in 2010 to participate in 2011. The objectives of the conference on e-Learning are as follows: 1) To share policy experiences and practices in e-Learning among the FEALAC member countries 2) To enhance the knowledge and understanding on e-Learning 3) To recommend the application of e-Learning in the FEALAC member countries 4) To enrich cooperation on e-Learning among the FEALAC member countries 5) To build up network among the experts and officials from the FEALAC member countries. "
Activity Description & Outcome Participants from Australia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar and from IDB enjoyed a full day of activities since the Conference on e-Learning iso rganized in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Along with a full-day of presentations, participants also had the chance to visit the Exhibition Hall which featured the latest in IT technology and to witness how schools in Korea incorporate technology in their classes. Electronic Learning is a valuable tool that can help underprivileged people gain access to education and the Republic of Korea believes that the Conference has given FEALAC member countries the chance to learn directly the latest in technology and in electronic education which hopefully will be available to many of the students in need within FEALAC.
Participants Member Countries FEALAC member countries
Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Project Contact Point Name Ms. Hyejin Oh
Position 2nd Secretary
Department Latin American and Caribbean Cooperation Division
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