Seminar on Creative Industries in Digital Convergence


Country :
Date :
Feb. 05, 2018 ~ Feb. 09, 2018
Venue :
Buenos Aires
Expiration Date :
Feb. 09, 2018
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Workshops / Seminars
Project Purpose & Description Argentina is fostering cooperation between countries, people and companies on creative industries as generators of solutions for society. Argentina believes it is a theme of high relevance for all, especially today that digital platforms provide spaces for daily encounters.
This is a topic that has to do with people, companies and countries, no matter their size or the resources they may have. It is a theme that unites, equals and essentially represents an opportunity for all. That is why we support the development of this new economy, based on the collaboration of people, companies, the state and the academic community.
Therefore, we are inviting East Asia and Oceania to think about our future and start building it together, in a series of major international events such as a BIE Specialized Exhibition in 2023, for which Argentina has presented its candidacy under the theme ‘creative industries in digital convergence’.
Activity Description & Outcome A meeting on Creative Industries in Digital Convergence was held between 5 and 9 February 2018 in in Buenos Aires.
The event, organized by the Federal System of Media and Public Contents (Sistema Federal de Medios y Contenidos Públicos) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Argentine Republic, targeted representatives of all national institutions related with culture, arts, technology and creative industries o memeber countries.

The activities included talks, workshops and project presentations with participants from Cambodia, China, Mongolia and Thailand, as a space for sharing knowledge, projects and objectives in the field of digital creativity applied to technological and productive innovation; technological support, production and distribution of contents; projection disciplines, education, software and networks, among others. There were also participants of Comores, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal.
Therefore, the project was able to establish relationships between people, companies and countries to generate new projects and stimulate cooperation on existing projects.
Participants Member Countries Argentina and Cambodia, China, Mongolia and Thailand
Organizations General Directorate of International Cooperation and Federal System of Media and Public Contents of the Argentine Republic
Project Contact Point Name Marina Villalba
Position Third Secretary
Department General Directorate of International Cooperation
Telephone 4819 7268/7555
Fax 4819 7268/7555