Revitalization Tourism in Chichicastenango Township and Construction and Equipment of the “Popol-Vuh” Cultural Center


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Project Purpose & Description Purpose
Contributing with safeguarding cultural Maya K'ch'e heritage, through the enhancement of their different cultural and religious expressions, to increase stays and average spending; thus generating more opportunities of economic and social development in Chichicastenango community and its influence area.

To improve tourism, through enhance of its attractons, consolidating Chichicstango as the place to experience at its best, the living Maya culture, religous sybcreetism, and best destination to know about the origin of the culture, as described in the Popol Vuh. The project woll also allow increasing the inventory of its attactions, improving tourism services quality, strenthening community management models and finally marketing
Activity Description & Outcome The project has the following components: Product Development: Construction and equipping the Popol Vuh Cultural Center, human resource training, designing and implementing a community management model, and designing the Popol Vuh tour; Marketing: promoting destination, tours, and Popol Vuh Cultural Center.

Espected outcomes:
1. Handicraft market: working and tidy
2. Popol Vuh Cultural Center: built and equipped
3. Popol Vuh tour: in operation
4. Touristic services providers: trained and cerified
5. Relaunching Chichicastenango as authentic cultural destination:done.
6. Commmunity Management Model: Implemented
Participants Member Countries
Organizations Guatemala, Tourist Commission(INGUAT), Chichicastenango Municipality
Project Contact Point Name Licda.Ericka Guillermo
Position Competitiveness Unit, Chief
Department Tourism Product Development
Telephone 2421 2800/Ext.3323