FEALAC Day 2021: FUDY Webinar


Country :
Brunei Darussalam
Date :
Sep. 21, 2021
Venue :
Expiration Date :
Sep. 21, 2021
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Workshops / Seminars
Project Purpose & Description To encourage student mobility under FEALAC’s umbrella, Brunei Darussalam through Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), is hosting a webinar on the FEALAC University Discovery Year (FUDY) Programme, an ongoing project under the STIEWG, on Tuesday, 21 September 2021, 8am to 10am (GMT+8) (Brunei Time) corresponding with Monday 20 September 2021, 9pm to 11pm (GMT-3) (Latin American Time).

The aim is, firstly, to increase the participation of university students from Latin America to participate in the programme and, secondly, with the accessibility of this information, explore ways to expand this project to include academic staff mobility; joint/ dual/ double degree programmes; joint supervision of master’s and PhD programmes as well as joint collaborative research, COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) and micro credential programmes with universities in Latin America.

The International Cooperation Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB), one of the current partners of UBD under the FUDY programme will also be invited to share their experience and provide feedback on the project.
Activity Description & Outcome Since its launch at the 2nd STIEWG meeting by Brunei Darussalam’s representatives from Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) and subsequently, endorsed by the 16th FEALAC Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) in August 2015 in San Jose, Costa Rica, the FUDY Programme has been welcoming semester exchange and short-term exchange students from FEALAC member countries to enrol in University Brunei Darussalam (UBD)’s non-graduating programmes.

FUDY operates on a reciprocal basis, where qualified students from UBD and interested universities in East Asia and Latin America will be exchanged with a reciprocal tuition fee waiver. The duration of the Project can be up to two semesters (one academic year).

The application for FUDY for Fall Semester 2022 will open on 1 October 2021 and the closing date will be on 1 November 2021. The successful candidates will be notified through their respective International Relations Office (or its equivalent). In-person Semester Exchanges to UBD during the COVID-19 pandemic are, however, subject to travel advisories and fulfilling the rules and regulations of travel during the COVID-19 pandemic for each respective country.

Further information on FUDY can be accessed via FEALAC’s website at https://www.fealac.org/new/about/country_view.do?idx=22

In addition, UBD also offers a short-term summer programme known as the Global Discovery Programme (GDP), which takes place every year in June/July/August. The programme is credit bearing and is designed to offer international students an opportunity to experience student-life in Brunei Darussalam, in an academic setting which is stimulating, challenging and progressive.
Participants Member Countries The target participants are all Universities in Latin American FEALAC Member Countries
Organizations -
Project Contact Point Name Dr. Sabrina Daud
Position Director Global Relations
Department Office of Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Global Affairs), Universiti Brunei Darussalam
E-mail office.gr@ubd.edu.bn
Telephone +6732460922 ext. 211
Fax -