2021 FEALAC Supporters Program


Country :
Date :
May. 20, 2021 ~ Dec. 23, 2021
Venue :
Expiration Date :
Dec. 23, 2021
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Short Term Training Course / Internships, Workshops / Seminars
Project Purpose & Description With the aim of promoting visibility of FEALAC in Republic of Korea, FEALAC Supporters program was initiated to serve as an effective instrument to advertise the importance of FEALAC. FEALAC Supporters, comprised of 36 Korean citizens who are interested in FEALAC regions, is utilizing online platform, which can reach out to more diverse population about FEALAC's importance and relevance for Korea's foreign policy.
Activity Deion & Outcome Under the pandemic situation, FEALAC Supporters program is aiming at increasing FEALAC 's online presence in Korea by creating video contents and articles and publishing in social medias.
Activity Description & Outcome Under the pandemic situation, FEALAC Supporters program is aiming at increasing FEALAC 's online presence in Korea by creating video contents and articles and publishing in social medias.
Especially to foster relevance with the TITM Working Group activity, FEALAC Supporters has organized an online seminar in July with the theme of fair trade and tourism promotion for Latin America in Korea. Furthermore, numerous contents about Digital trade, Tourism, and MSME's cooperation between two regions are planned to be created.
Participants Member Countries Republic of Korea
Organizations Cyber Secretariat
Project Contact Point Name KIM Eunji
Position 3rd Secretary
Department Latin American & Caribbean cooperation division, MOFA korea
E-mail ejkim17@mofa.go.kr
Telephone +82 2 2100 7440
Fax +82 2 2100 7440