Invitation program for Young Leaders of FEALAC


Country :
Date :
Mar. 05, 2020 ~ Mar. 12, 2020
Venue :
ODA recipient countries
Expiration Date :
Mar. 12, 2020
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Short Term Training Course / Internships
Project Purpose & Description The purpose of the program is to deepen mutual understanding among future leaders of FEALAC member states and to expand common ground on important issues with a view to addressing shared challenges.
Activity Description & Outcome Japan is a country that has dedicated to the development of technology. At the same time, Japan has passed through many natural disasters. Through this program, Japan shared its experience and lessons with the invited young leaders in the areas of common concern (technology, natural disaster, sustainable growth, etc.) for both East Asia and Latin America.
Theme of the program: “The Use of Technology for a Sustainable Society (SDGs)”
Participants Member Countries Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Lao PDR, Mexico, Uruguay (6 countries)
Organizations public sector, private sector
Project Contact Point Name Maya Yoshizaki
Position Assistant Director
Department Latin American and Caribbean Affairs Bureau
Telephone +81-3-5501-8288
Fax +81-3-5501-8287