FEALAC DAY 2021: Recover Together, Recover Stronger


Country :
Date :
Sep. 08, 2021
Venue :
Expiration Date :
Sep. 08, 2021
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Workshops / Seminars
Project Purpose & Description A virtual discussion between the government and business actors to discuss logistics issues as the impact of the pandemic that has the potential to disrupt the global supply chain and economic recovery.
Activity Description & Outcome FEALAC Day 2021 was organized in order to increase awareness of FEALAC and global issues for youths. The virtual seminar was attended by 240 participants including students and business people from various parts of Indonesia.
Participants Member Countries Indonesia
Organizations NA
Project Contact Point Name Nidya Kartikasari
Position Minister-Counsellor
Department Directorate of American and European Intraregional and Interregional Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia
E-mail ksiamerop@kemlu.go.id
Telephone NA
Fax NA