FEALAC University Discovery Year (FUDY)


Country :
Brunei Darussalam
Date :
Jan. 03, 2023 ~ May. 21, 2023
Venue :
Bandar Seri Begawan
Expiration Date :
May. 25, 2023
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Short Term Training Course / Internships
Project Purpose & Description The FEALAC University Discovery Year (FUDY) Programme welcomes semester exchange and short-term exchange students from FEALAC member country universities to apply to University Brunei Darussalam (UBD) to enrol in its non-graduating ptrogrammes.

In addition to semester exchanges under FUDY, UBD welcomes FEALAC member university students to join our short- term summer programme known as the Global Discovery Programme (GDP) which runs every year in June/July/August. The programme is creit bearing and is designed to offer international students an opportunity to experience student-life in this culture-rich kingdom, in an academic setting which is stimulating, challenging and progressive.

Further information here:

Activity Description & Outcome The FEALAC University Discovery Year (FUDY) Programme welcomes semester exchange and short-term exchange students from FEALAC member country universities to apply to Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) to enroll in its non-graduating programmes. Motivated by FUDY, UBD signed a student exchange agreement with the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB) in 2016 which resulted in 5 Brazilian semester exchange students joining UBD in 2017 and 2018. In addition to semester exchanges under FUDY, UBD welcomes FEALAC member university students to join our short-term summer programme known as the Global Discovery Programme (GDP) which runs every year in June/July/August. The programme is credit bearing and is designed to offer international students an opportunity to experience student-life in this culture-rich kingdom, in an academic setting which is stimulating, challenging and progressive.

(Not implemented. Nov.16, 2023)
Participants Member Countries FEALAC Member Countries' Universities
Organizations -
Project Contact Point Name Dr. Sabrina Daud
Position Director of Global Relations
Department office of Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Global Affairs)
E-mail office.gr@ubd.edu.bn
Telephone +6732460922 ext. 2112
Fax -