Project Category | Workshops / Seminars | |
Project Purpose & Description |
The Objectives of the Meeting are: 1. To strengthen networking of anti-drug agencies among FEALAC member countries; 2. To intensify information and intelligence sharing and coordination among seaport interdiction units within ASEAN and FEALAC member countries; 3. To organize and conduct capacity building activities on drug law enforcement cooperation; 4. To formulate joint activities to address the priority areas identified under the scope of cooperation; 5. To initiate cross-sectoral cooperation with other agencies such as immigration, customs, border security within FEALAC with a view to intercepting the smuggling of drugs through sea routes; 6. To coordinate and share experience cross-border investigation. |
Activity Description & Outcome |
Expected outcomes from the 2-days meeting are: 1. Close and intense cooperation in drug control among member countries; 2. Update contact list of focal points of FEALAC and agency in charge; 3. Increase knowledge and experience of drug situation and best practice on drug control; 4. Sharing of information and data; 5. The ASEAN+FEALAC Seaport Interdiction Workshop shall be the impetus in collaborating, initiating, coordinating interdiction of drug trafficking in ASEAN+FEALAC through seaport international check points. |
Participants | Member Countries | FEALAC Member Countries |
Organizations | National anti-narcotic drugs agency/Police Department responsible for drug interdiction, suppression, law enforcement, customs, general attorney | |
Project Contact Point | Name | Mr. Arief Wicaksono Sudiutomo, Ms Dewi (Ministery of Foreign Affairs) |
Position | Deputy for Legal Affairs & Cooperation of BNN | |
Department | National Narcotics Board of the Republic of Indonesia | |
Arief.wicaksono@bnn.go.id | ||
Telephone | +62811198484 | |
Fax | - | |
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