Seminar on the Japanese Science and Technology Policy toward Innovation


Country :
Date :
Mar. 27, 2019 ~ Mar. 31, 2019
Venue :
Argentina, Brazil
Expiration Date :
Mar. 31, 2019
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Workshops / Seminars
Project Purpose & Description The government of Japan established Japan House Sao Paulo in April 2017 as a hub of Japan's public diplomacy in the region. Japan House seeks to foster awareness and appreciation for Japan around the world by showcasing the very best of Japanese innovation, technology, and more.
The seminar was realized as a part of "SIP Caravan", which offers the information on Japan's efforts to promote tecnology and innovtion, including Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP).
Activity Description & Outcome Prof. Teruo Kishi, Science and Technology Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, presented his activities and one of the major subjects covered by SIP, “Structural Materials for Innovation”, which promotes research and development in four research domains, mainly for the components of aircraft engines and airframes.
From Brazilian side, Dr. Carlos Américo Pacheco, Diretor-presidente da FAPESP and Prof. Edgar Zanotto, Professor da Universidade Federal de São Carlos presented their activities.
They also exchanged information on science and technology policy of both Japan and Brazil.
Participants Member Countries Argentina, Brazil
Organizations University etc
Project Contact Point Name Tsubasa Norioka
Position Assistant Director
Department Latin American and Caribbean Affairs Bureau
Telephone +81-3-5501-8288
Fax +81-3-5501-8287