Articulation Between Universities and Research Centres, East Asia – Latin America and the Caribbean Academic, Technical and Scientific Cooperation Databank


Country :
Date :
Jul. 01, 2015 ~ Jul. 31, 2015
Venue :
Expiration Date :
Jul. 31, 2015
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Consultation by Specialists
Project Purpose & Description To create a Databank that promotes cooperation and the exchange of information between academic and research institutions in Latin America and East Asia with a view
to facilitating the identification of existing initiatives and programs and articulation between such institutions for the purpose of promoting new agreements and joint projects.
The Databank is intended to provide precise, specific and publicly available information about academic chairs, syllabuses, institutes, centres of study and research projects that contribute to the knowledge of academic, technological and scientific initiatives of mutual interest.
The Bank will receive information from the abovementioned research and academic institutions that may register as users through a simple verification process of the activity they perform.
Activity Description & Outcome 1) Preliminary stage, the creation of the Academic, Technical and Scientific Cooperation Databank involves a first phase in which Argentina will include the institutions located in its territory which work on the Asian region, both bilaterally and multilaterally. This stage also includes the incorporation of Asian institutions with which Argentina already has academic relations and the identification of other interested institutions.

2) At a later stage, it is expected that other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean will be incorporated into this Database. At the same time, Asian countries that join this project will encourage universities and centres in the region to provide similar information about the status of the matter and interests in the fields of academia, science and technology.
Participants Member Countries
Organizations Private Universities Presidents Council(CRUP in Spanish),National Inter-universities Council(CIN in Spanish)
Project Contact Point Name Lic. Patricia Tappatá de Valdez
Position Director
Department Intermediate Organizations Directory- Ministry of Foreign Relations and Worship
Telephone (+54 11) 4819-7799 or 4819-7322