The 2019 FEALAC TITM Seminar on Trade and SMEs


Country :
Date :
Sep. 18, 2019
Venue :
Seoul (with Argentina)
Expiration Date :
Sep. 18, 2019
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Workshops / Seminars
Project Purpose & Description To maintain the positive momentum made at the most recent FEALAC FMM held in 2017 and to further promote cooperation among FEALAC member countries in a more internationalized and digitalized world, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Argentine Republic will jointly host (TBC) the Seminar on Trade and SMEs – entitled “FEALAC’s Trade Facilitation in the context of the Digital Economy” – in Seoul this September. The Seminar seeks to find ways to improve regional connectivity among FEALAC member states and to nurture business capabilities of SMEs in a digital economy.
Activity Description & Outcome The main objectives of the Seminar are:
1) To discuss current developments and to seek the future direction of economic cooperation among FEALAC members in a digital economy;
2) To take stock of ongoing initiatives and achievements by FEALAC members regarding trade and SMEs to enhance the effectiveness of the TITM Working Group of FEALAC; and
3) To nurture a network between policy-makers and experts in trade and SMEs in the context of FEALAC.
Participants Member Countries FEALAC Members
Organizations Foreign Ministries
Project Contact Point Name Tak NAMGUNG
Position Second Secretary
Department Latin American and the Caribbean Cooperation Division
Telephone +82-2-2100-7441
Fax +82-2-2100-7955