Indonesia FEALAC Youth Conference(IFYC) 2015


Country :
Date :
Sep. 18, 2015
Venue :
Bandung, West Java Province
Expiration Date :
Sep. 18, 2015
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Workshops / Seminars
Project Purpose & Description • The theme of IFYC 2015 is “Empowering the Atlantic-Pacific Net”.

• IFYC 2015 aims to unite FEALAC Youth to connect, collaborate, and co-create.

• The Conference is inspired by the the emergence of East Asian and Latin American nations in FEALAC to enhance the youth entrereneurship spirit across the regions.

• IFYC 2015 will be held in Bandung (West Java Province), a city of historical significance renowned for its sustinable youth revolutions and Asian-African conference histories in Merdeka Building where the Public Conference and the monumental FEALAC Youth Declaration will take place.
Indonesia as the host country of IFYC 2015 prepares eminent speakers to engage with all delegates in series of workshop, panel discussions, brainstorming sessions, Youth Leaders’ Dialogue, and a site visit/city tour to the industrial center of micro, small and medium enterprises in West Java in order to empower youth character and entrepreneurial spirit creatively in outline and in the context of marine power and potentials that all FEALAC member states share.

• Accommodation, food, and local transportation in Indonesia will be provided throughout the event. However, the participants are expected to cover their own travel and personal expenses.

Twitter: @fealacyouth
Activity Description & Outcome • IFYC 2015 will feature workshop sessions, enreprenuerial site visits, and public conference as well as FEALAC Youth Dialogue.

• It is expected that the Conference will be able to foster, unite and devleop the better future of FEALAC Youth as well as will deliver the FEALAC Youth Declaration.
Participants Member Countries All FEALAC member Countries
Organizations Representatives from relevant youth agencies(age 16-26 years olds)
Project Contact Point Name Ministry of Youth and Sports(MoYS) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MoFA) of the Republic of Indonesia
Department Bureau of Planning and Organization, MoYS as well as the Directorate of American and European Intra Regional Cooperation, MoFA
Telephone (62 21) 7056 4869(MoYS), (62 21) 381 2778(MoFA),