16th FEALAC Journalist Visit Programme


Country :
Date :
Oct. 01, 2015
Venue :
Expiration Date :
Oct. 01, 2015
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Workshops / Seminars
Project Purpose & Description The FEALAC Journalists' Visit Program (JVP) is one of Singapore's National Projects under the FEALAC umbrella. The JVP is a useful platform to enhance understanding between Latin America and East Asia through exchanges at the people-to-people level, and has attached sustained interest from participants year after year.

Since the inaugural JVP in 1999, Singapore has organized 15 FEALAC JVPs with a total of 81 participants from 14 Latin American countries, namely, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Suriname. Other East Asian FEALAC members such as Australia, China, Indonesia and Thailand have also capitalized on the journalist' presence in Singapore to invite participating JVP journalists to visit their countries. This has allowed the Latin American journalists to make full use of their stay in the region to better understand East Asia.
Activity Description & Outcome Singapore will host the 16th FEALAC JVP in October in 2015, in conjunction with the Latin Asia Business Forum. Participants will have meetings relevant government agencies and officials, centered on a theme that changes yearly.
Participants Member Countries Latin American countries
Organizations Media outlets
Project Contact Point Name Noelle Tam
Position Country Officer (Latin America & the Caribbean)
Department Americas Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore
E-mail Noelle_Camelia_TAM@mfa.gov.sg
Telephone +65 6379 8214
Fax +65 6479 5377