FEALAC Industry-University Cooperation


Country :
Date :
Oct. 28, 2015
Venue :
Expiration Date :
Oct. 28, 2015
Projects in Implementation View
Project Category Consultation by Specialists
Project Purpose & Description General Objectives
-To share policy experiences and practices in industry-university cooperation among FEALAC member countries
-To enhance the knowledge and understanding on industry-university cooperation
-To enrich cooperation on industry-university cooperation among FEALAC member countries
-To build network among experts and officials from FEALAC member countries
Activity Description & Outcome The program usually consists of a seminar and a visit to industry-university cooperation sites in Korea.
Participants Member Countries Policy makers and experts on industry-university c
Organizations N/A
Project Contact Point Name Jihee Bang
Position 2nd Secretary
Department Latin American and the Caribbean Cooperation
E-mail jhbang14@mofa.go.kr
Telephone 82-2-2100-8419
Fax 82-2-2100-8535