Project Category
Short Term Training Course / Internships
Project Purpose & Description
Japan launched "Juntos!!" program to promote people-to-people exchanges between Japan and LAC countries and to encourage understandings of vaious aspects of Japan among the paticipants.
In 2018, considering the need of the Pacific Alliance contries, which have suffered from natural disasters such as earthquake and flood, MOFA organized short term program for lerning Japanese tecnology and experience against these desasters.
Activity Description & Outcome
12 young officials and bussiness people from the Pacific Alliance were invited to Japan, where they had site visits and exchange of opinions with expart in the field of disaster prevention and management.
During their 1 week stay in Japan, they also had discussions on policies for the promotion of science and tecnology with Japanese officials.
Participants Table
Member Countries |
Chile, Colombia, Peru, Mexico |
Organizations |
MOFA Japan |
Project Contact Point
Project Contact Point Table
Name |
Tsubasa Norioka |
Position |
Assistant Director |
Department |
Mexico, Central America and Caribbean Division |
E-mail | |
Telephone |
+81-3-5501-8288 |
Fax |
+81-3-5501-8287 |