Project Category
Consultation by Specialists
Project Purpose & Description
Date: To be confirmed
The Project “FEALAC Network of cultural cities” will be implemented through the organization of Annual Meetings of the Provincial Leaders/Mayors and many side events such as seminars, conferences and exhibitions, festivals etc., with a view to enhancing exchanges, experience sharing and cooperation between localities nominated from the FEALAC member countries on topics related to: (i) conservation, development and promotion of cultural, historic and human values; (ii) planning and development of cities; (iii) sustainable development of cities.
Activity Description & Outcome
Member countries send the list of nominated Provinces/Cities together with a brief introduction of less than 100 words for each Province/City to the Co-chair countries of the WG through diplomatic channels, latest December each year. The Provinces/Cities joining the Network will be updated of the activities of the Network, invited to join the Network’s activities and invited to be candidate for hosting an annual conference of the Network. The Working Group on Culture, Youth, Gender and Sports updates the Network list and activities and inform to FEALAC member countries at the Annual Meeeting of the WG.
Viet Nam will host the first Annual Meeting of Provincial Leaders /Mayors in 2016. Peru will host the second Annual Meeting in 2017. The host country of the Annual Meeting of Provincial Leaders /Mayors in the following years will be selected on rotational basis between the two regions, in order of alphabetical list of countries’ names in Latin and on voluntary basis (country in turn may withdraw its hosting right). The host country shall one of its Provinces/Cities that is member of the Network to host the Annual Meeting of Provincial Leaders /Mayors and inform the name of this Province/City to all member countries no later that one year before the Meeting and subsequently send invitation and relevant information about the Annual Meeting and side event to all Network members through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The host has the right to decide the theme and format of the Annual Meeting and side events.
The Organizing Committee of the Network Annual Meeting shall include 03 Provincial Leaders/Mayors of the past, present and next hosts of the Annual Meeting and 03 FEALAC SOM Leaders of the respective countries.
The host Province/City shall cover the expense to organize the Annual Meeting and side events. The participating Provinces/Cities shall cover all expenses of their participating delegates. No later than one month after the end of the Annual Meeting, the host Province/City shall send report on the result of the Meeting to the member Provinces/Cities of the Network, SOM Leaders of FEALAC members countries. The report will also be posted on the FEALAC Cyber Secretariat
Participants Table
Member Countries |
All member countries. |
Organizations |
Project Contact Point
Project Contact Point Table
Name |
Mr. Le Thanh Tung |
Position |
Deputy Director General |
Department |
Department of Americas |
E-mail |, |
Telephone |
844 37992488/ Fax 844 38430409 |
Fax |