1. Senior Officials’ Meeting: Session 1 – (1) Opening Remarks by Regional Coordinators (2) Adoption of Agenda (3) Consideration of Working Group Reports & Improving WG Operation (4) Coffee Break (5) Schedules & Logistics for the 8th FEALAC FMM (6) The 8th FEALAC FMM deliverables (FEALAC Fund, FEALAC New Action Plan, Busan Declaration) 2. Official Lunch for the Senior Official Meeting Leaders 3. Senior Officials’ Meeting: Session 2 – (1) FEALAC Cyber Secretariat’s activities and future plans (2) Schedules for other 2017-2018 FEALAC Meetings (including calendar) (3) Agenda items requiring further discussion and other matters (4) Designation of incoming Regional Coordinators and WG Co-chairs (5) Coffee Break (6) Approval of the 18th SOM Report (7) Closing Remarks by Regional Coordinators