Plastic Consumption Patterns in Guatemala to Promote Awareness of the Population Through a Program with a Critical Approach

20 calle 28-58 zona 10, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Date :
Expiration Date :

Project Category

Workshops / Seminars

Project Purpose & Description

It is the mission of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) to act in order to prevent further pollution and for the conservation, protection and improvement of the environment.

In Guatemala there multiple productive sectors such as livestock, textiles, chemicals, coffee, energy, agriculture, pharmaceutical and plastic. Each one is essential for the development of the nation with GDP growth and job creation, thus improving the quality of life. While meeting the demands of local and / or international markets, the production levels increase in inordinate amounts that damage the environment, sometimes in irreversible ways and are not taken into account for the use of natural resources available in the country.

In the Rio +20 Summit 2012, 17 goals were presented to transform the world by 2030. Guatemala is one of the countries supporting the initiative of the United Nations Organization (UN), which involves salubrious, environmental issues, economic, social and nutritional subjects.

Sustainable consumption and production ranks number 12. This objective seeks management of natural resources that not only increase profits but reduces the use, contamination, and degradation of the environment. This process applies from the beginning of the production chain until it reaches the consumer's hands. For it raises awareness and educate businesses, consumers, researchers, cooperation agencies, media and policy makers.
Prioritizing the following goals:
• Reduce half of global waste per capita retail and food losses in production and distribution chains by 2030.
• Significantly reduce waste generation through policies of prevention, reuse and reduction by 2030.
• Support the scientific and technological capacity of underdeveloped countries towards a more sustainable consumption and production.

For this reason, the necessity to create awareness of consumption patterns in a sector of high production, which according to statistics and landscapes focuses on plastic, is undeniable. Bottles, plastic bags, disposable containers, among other products are part of the desmesurable consumption which has no legal or fiscal control in Guatemala.

With the implementation of a policy, project or program, the country has the necessary tools to execute actions and mechanisms that lead to the reduction and minimization of litter caused by waste and consequently the evil use of natural resources that are the raw material to produce them.

Activity Description & Outcome

The project will consist of a critical studies supported by representatives of Cámara de Industria, recycling companies, specialized professionals, as well as importers and exporters in the plastic sector, whom may provide input for the program. The general public can participate in this initiative since private, public, civil and academic entities are part of the consumption and production the program aims to control.

The axes that govern the project are:
- Environmental Regulation: pros and cons to industry
- Obtaining raw products / materials from sustainable sources
- Culture: recycle / reuse / reduce
- Research and training management of plastic waste
- Sustainable Infrastructure
- Incentives in the plastic sector

The methodology applied to the program will be subject to the timing of the phases needed for monitoring and implementation of the political project of program.


Participants Table
Member Countries
Organizations Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN),

Project Contact Point

Project Contact Point Table
Name Magnolia López Aquino
Position Head of Department
Department Cleaner Production Department
Telephone (502) 2423 0500 ext. 2634
